Saturday, August 2, 2008

Living the dream...

Ok the stage is set, go to college, get a job, become successful, meet man.... Then what? It seems as though our lives are pretty much planned out as women for the most part. We have our individual goals and dreams and in our late teens and early twenties we can see the future with intense clarity. In my case my career was my life and my dream. I broke through every glass ceiling placed above me and created a new genre of "women in business". I had pride and self worth, I changed lives everyday. Not to mention the fat wallet. This lifestyle is immensely rewarding in your early twenties. Then something changes. What is missing you ask yourself? I have it all. I have control of my world. But us as women (not all but most), start to hear a tiny little tick. The tick grows to a louder tick-tock, and then a resounding pounding in our heads and hearts. Why shake things up though, all is great as it is now? Ok, so there is no denying that our goals and dreams for the future may be changing for us. What is it that we feel is missing. Is it just natures way of reproducing or do we get to a time in our life as women where WE, not nature want to have a family?

Once I grasped this change in my dreams, then I have to decide what to do with it. Keep things as they are now and just add a family or change the scenario completely? In my heart I knew that the only way I would have a family is if I could and chose to be home. If I am going to delve into the world of motherhood, that too would get my 100%. I had grasped the top rung of the professional ladder and am now going for the gold of mommyhood. Once a woman makes this decision the mind is clouded with little booties and sweet kisses from some future offspring. Not much thought is put into how this new world that you are creating for yourself will affect you.

The cliche "American Dream", is a house, two cars, a few kids, a few pets, a vacation a year and the perfect wife at home with hot meal and sparkling kids/house. Is this American Dream realistic or attainable?......